I'm a Cyborg But That's OK / Virtual Exhibition of FMK Digital Art Program

I’m a Cyborg But That’s OK is a virtual exhibition that reflects on the topic of Donna Haraway's Cyborg from a contemporary perspective. The works in the show represent the authors' relationship towards today's emeshment with the digital sphere, its glitches, anxieties, aesthetics, questions of digital memory, privacy and politics of interaction. Made in Mozilla Hubs collaboratively with students of the Digital Art Department at the Faculty for Media and Communication, Singidunum University for the class Coding for Artists and Designers.

Participating artists and designers: Željko Petrović, Teodora Kozomora, Ana Stanojević, Ekatarina Joščenko, Anđela Vujičić.

Visual identity: Željko Petrović.

Visual for I'm a Cyborg but That's OK exhibition

1. Ana Stanojević / What Goes Around Comes as a Bug / video installation

What goes Around Comes as a Bug is based on manipulating Instagram's story function in order to initiate a glitch which the author identified as a recurring dissaffordance of the system. The experience is amplified by a triptych of audio-visual elements which represent the experience of digital anxiety through digital means, using familiar elements of glitch and electric sound.

2. Anđela Vujičić / Ghost / video collage

Ghost represents the author's interpretation of digital ghosts within the Internet. When it comes to the ghosts' spirit entity, it can take on different interpretations. What is interesting is that we can observe the internet by itself as if it were a spirit, and we, the users, too can be experienced as ghosts. The potential is carried by the relationships between our experiential selves and the way in which these relations are incorporated into the networked space of the Internet. We are aware that keyboards and screens can give us superpowers but they can also be very decadent. Fundamentally, the question of the spirit refers to the dynamic between our own nature, artificially created mediators and what we tend to become on the internet.

3. Teodora Kozomara / Willy – Nilly / video

Willy/Nilly is a problem we face every day in the digital world, and that is forced consent and acceptance of numerous "cookies", without options to say 'no'. Whether we like it or not, we are being followed on the Internet. A large green 'NO' is displayed on the screen, leaving its traces. Through its movements it manages to delete tabs and cookies that are continuosly showing up and opening and offering only one option which is inevitable consent.

4. Ekaterina Jaščenko / Perception / poster

Perception is a work that was inspired by the beauty of code and encoding, through exploring numbers and letters. It is conceived as an interactive piece, that is, the author invites observers to solve a puzzle that is included as part of the work itself. The work plays with similarity of letters and numbers, which practically means that copying the text from the original PDF file in order to look up solutions on search engines is not possible. Perception itself carries the key role for unlocking the solution of the riddle.

5. Željko Petrović / Noise / audio-visual installation

Noise represents the problem of distractions and obstacles that the Internet offers us. Every day we are drawn into a series of dark patterns on the Internet, from interacting on social media to classic web surfing. The piece functions as an interactive installation which draws the viewer into its aura of aggressive and unpleasant sound. The volume switches are arranged so that it is very difficult to turn off the sound sources. If the observer succeeds, what remains is the impression of anxiety because of the intensity of the visuals and the sound of the installation itself. And anxiety is certainly an integral part of experiencing the Internet.